Need Some Travelling Buddies


hey sarah .. i would like to join you for the same .. u can add me on face book .. i tried ur name but yo many sarah davis are der.. hope to hear from u soon ...

Hi both

A lot of us are seemingly heading out to Thailand at the same time - couple of posts elsewhere - mainly Sept and Oct....check out the other posts.

When you looking to head out, is it just Thailand you want to go to, or do you want to go elsewhere too? How long for?



Honestly, you guys are worrying about nothing... arranging travel buddies in advance for Thailand is completely unnecessary.

Thailand is arguably the the easiest/simplest "foreign" country on the entire Planet Earth for a solo western backpacker. If you stick to the usual guide book places you'll find it absolutely JAM-PACKED with countless other backpackers EXACTLY like you.

It's the perfect destination for a first time solo backpacker who needs to build a little confidence.

Relax... you'll easily meet loads of compatible travel companions once you're there... have fun...


[ 28-Jun-2011, at 11:14 by CheersT ]

Im looking to travel around SE ASIA too but just considering to travel from Nov or Dec 2011. will be travelling for about 5/6 months. I am 26 year old female. too scared to do it alone. Anyone wana join me?..

Heyy myself and my best mate are going to be in thailand from the 5th of Aug both easy going blokes and hopping to meet lots of new people. will be doing phukket, FMP and BKK..

i am in thailand til end of sep add me on facebook if anyone wants to meet up! aaron jahn

Need Some Travelling Buddies

Need Some Travelling Buddies

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