Well yes Ive done it again...another impulse flight bought...detination Indonesia.
Hi Arron,
There are no hostels in Indonesia like elsewhere in the world. Just lots of local homestays owned by locals who do not have the money or resources to have websites.
I personally like Ronta Bungalows in Bali - loads of back packers stay there and they will hold your belongings in a room for free if you wish to travel elsewhere in Indonesia and not take everything with you.
You can google the name and find out the details.
For ease of getting to see orangutans - maybe I suggest Bukit Lawang North Sumatra.
A flight from Bali to Jakarta and then a flight from Jakarta to Medan.
Best back packer place to stay in Medan is Blue Angel.
They will know about all the local transport to Bukit Lawang.
If you want the luxury of a car/driver to Bukit Lawang one of the guesthouses in Bukit Lawang will be able to meet you at the airport, with a detour to the bank to get money and then 3-4 hrs to BL.
Many guesthouses to stay in BL.
Check out this website for info'
and you might find the following post I wrote on another forum
A side trip to Tangkahan from Bukit Lawang is highly recommended. A hidden paradise amongst the jungle and home to at least 7 elephants.
You can hire a jeep to do the 3 hr trip or be adventurous and do the backc of the motor bike trip - have done this quite a few times and love travelling this way.
Feel free to contact for further suggestions and information.
[ 25-Sep-2011, at 17:08 by pPamela ]
Thats great Pamela thank you very much for the info,
I have heard of the Ronta bungalows through abit of research so will deffinately look into booking that one. No doubt new year will be busy busy in bali so I want to get some decent accomodation there as a starting point as soon as possible.
The back of a bike to Tangkahan sounds awesome btw, so Im sure I will deffinately look into that one . In fact I think youve given me a great starting point
After doing a tad of research I think taking on flores maybe too much to fit into this adventure...would you think??
But hey im going to have a good read of your previous post too, so no doubt wil have a question or two for you, if you dont mind
Thanks again
Hi AP,
No problem to answer a few questions for you.
I just wrote you a long post and Lost it all - drat.
Agree with you in regards to Flores - leave for another time. Not easy to get to and they do cancel flights without notice and for someone on a tight schedule this can spell disaster.
If you are heading to Lombok may I suggest you visit south Lombok and a small village called Kuta and its surrounds.
An English woman Gemma and her Balinese husband own about 1.5 kms from Kuta in the village of Desa Mong.
Check out her Trip Advisor reviews too and you can have a look at the forum link on the website, but she does have a new one too.
Here is a by tezza a well known trip blogger on the internet.
[ 26-Sep-2011, at 17:06 by pPamela ]
Hi AP,
Here are some photos of my trekking in
and life in and life in
[ 27-Sep-2011, at 02:24 by pPamela ]
Hi AP,
Hope you get a chance to check out the links I put up for you in the above post.
Surfing the net last night I found this detailed from veejay in March 2011.
[ 11-Oct-2011, at 13:57 by pPamela ]
Why not Mount Bromo & Borobudur?
I heard they are exciting!

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