Hi. I need a travel companion (female) to travel to Ireland. I've already booked a tour , all you need is to have 500$ and Irish entrance clearance (visa/citizenship etc.).
I've planed to travel with my friend that's why I have tour booked, but he couldn't join me. That is why i need You
About the tour - it'sa 6 day All Ireland bus tour. Detail you can see here (http://www.paddywagontours.com/tourView.php?id=160).
We will meet on 26 Sep at 7.30 at the Paddys Palace hostel (Dublin Ireland) or at Sun 25 Sep 2011 18:00 at Victoria Coach Station (London UK) - I've booked a ticket from London to Dublin and Iif you are aged 18 -25 I can provide you with it for free;

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