Hey! im wondering how much money i am going to need for my journey, i dont know anyone who has previously travelled before so these websites are my only hope! I am planing to set off from UK May time where i here the RTW ticket prices are quite cheap, ive been quoted £1700 and thats from UK - Brazil (Rio) - Aukland (NZ) - Sydney (OZ) - Bangkok (thai) and back to the UK. I was wondering if that is a good price for a years travel? How much will it cost all together roughly for items to take such as backpack, waterproof jacket etc.? Where to get cheap travel insurance? and the big one, how much spending money as a rough figure will i need for the years travel? I am willing to work in Australia but dont have a trade or any specialist qualifications.
First, why are you leaving in May? Do you like bad weather (which is why the prices are cheap)? June to Sept is winter down under and rainy season in Asia. Better to start maybe October and while everyone is freezing back home, you can be out in the sun, on the beach or whatever.
I've done three RTW trips and going via Brazil on my third trip really bumped up the price. You can go via different destinations in Asia on the way there and back. Not really a lot in Rio unless you are going for the Carnival. Peru is a far better destination.
Pick up Saturday's Daily Mail or The Mail on Sunday as both have big travel sections and phone some agencies about RTW fares. Ask their advice too about where to go as some have done it themselves.
The DM also has a number of insurance companies who can give you a quote for a year travelling. But you MUST be completely honest with them. If you have some medical condition, if you get drunk, if you do a dangerous sport and you are not covered for it, having told them beforehand, they will not pay out if you need them. They are always looking for a way not to pay out if they do not have to.
The only real criteria with RTW is that you must continue in one direction. Some flights may have to be booked separately. You can do stretches overland yourself. You can leave dates open. But remember you are responsible for all visas, like Australia.
How much money? It depends on what kind of accommodation you want, what kind of food and drink you want, whether you want bars and nightlife, etc. Take as much money as you can get. Get some extra credit cards. If you don't use them you can always cut them up when you return. Take the details and a cheque book so if you do, you can send minimum payments while away. But do be careful of petty theft and get a money belt.
Accommodation is a big part of your cost and you could have 30 days in Thailand for the same cost as a few days in Sydney. Much of Asia is fairly cheap to live so you can save money there (Singapore and Hong Kong are expensive for accommodation and Japan is just plain expensive).
As to working in Australia, many, many, many travellers descend on Australia every year with an idea of working there and few get jobs (mostly the hard work, poor pay jobs the Aussies don't want). You will of course need a special work visa to work there. Do not rely on getting any money from working there.
Bangkok is a travel hub with cheap flights all around the rest of Asia. Or just a trip down to the islands and beaches. You get 30 days visa free in Thailand if you arrive by plane. And if you go out and come back, another 30 days, and even another if you wish as you relax in the sun while reading about snow storms back home.
What you need is to get some rough plans together then ask specific questions here and maybe other travel forums.

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