hey everyone my name is Sean
Hey Sean,
where you from?, im from UK, female... am considering doing SE Asia around about the same time. trying to decide Nov or Dec to start. if im about the same time you are fancy travellign together?
Hey vin,
im from london. What about you?. Yeah it wld be great to meet ppl out there. Nov is the best time to go so i have been told by
many vistors and thai ppl.
so yeah if you do decide coming to thailand first thing in nov 2011 i would like to
travel with you.
Do you have facebook by any chance?
yeh i heard november is the best time to travel to thailand too... how long do you think you'll be out there for?..and what other countries are you planning on doing?...i do wana go in Nov, but duno whether budget wise i can afford to.. im hoping by nov i'll have £5k, but that inc flights... do you think it be enough for se asia?.. its my first back packing adventure so no idea what to expect! =
Well the maximum time I will be able to travel for from nov is 3months. However I wont to spend minimum of atleast 3 weeks in thailand as there is soo much to do and visit, I have already book my one way flight to bangkok other countries i havent made up my mind yet, maybe australia aswell?. Its best to book the flight early as possible, i mean i book mine in feb and it was £500. but 5K to do the whole of se asia is enough most defianltey, if your bad with money maybe not haha. Yeah its my first aswell, as im writing this to you i feel so excited i cannont wait!!
lol.. when do you leave the UK?..maybe we could do Thailand together and see how things pan out.. ive looking at flights, roughly about £500/£600 but few friends suggested getting RTW or multi-stops...oo if £5k is enough them maybe i can afford to go out in Nov, and say set a smaller budget?.. what do you hope to do out there?..you think u can do it all in 3 months?.. am hopeing 3 months for SE asia then move onto OZ n NZ if i have the money... my friend did it few years back and budgeted £8k, but she did practically travel around the world thou..

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