Broad questions obviously. In your experience or knowledge, I am interested in hearing what you feel are the best around the world in these three areas. They can be ones you've actually experienced or ones you just know of that are well known in the world.
I think that this (and several other of your resent posts) are way too general to answer. Since you include the entire Planet Earth there are literally thousands of answers to your questions and the few dozen answers you might receive here are immaterial when compared to the countless other available options, so at the end of the day you're not narrowing down your search in any meaningful manner.
Since tastes in festivals, sights and food vary WILDLY you'd be further ahead to give some indication of your interests and try to make the locations a little more specific than the entire planet.
Good luck.
One place where I was extremely happily surprised by the quality of food was Arequipa in Peru. I encountered several restaurants there (Zig Zag being one name still frequently referred to) which for a relative pittance put on a meal comparable to that found in only the fanciest restaurants in Europe (up to but not including those with Michelin stars), complete with impeccable service and a very decent wine selection.
[ 22-Nov-2011, at 13:33 by Sander ]
@CheersT: That's fair enough. I could have worded the thread topic differently, but basically I was just looking for ideas. I can get ideas from libraries, books, webpages - frankly I can get them from just about everywhere. The objective was to hear it from the people who constantly travel (typical for many people on travel boards like this) and find out their opinions. Typically if I wanted responses based on catering to my tastes and interests, that is what I'd ask for. I just wanted to know in your experiences where you have experienced the "wow, this food beats just about anything I've ever eaten", or "I've been to these festivals, but XYZ was by far the most diverse culturally etc. etc." Nothing more, nothing less. Thanks for taking the time to read and post.
@Sander: I will be sure to mark down Arequipa and ZigZag on my possible stops since Peru is on my definite itinerary. Thanks!
With regard to festivals Benicassim in Spain is amazing and the line up for 2012 looks great.

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