can only load 12 images to blog entry - why?

I have successfully added lots of images to my blog entries for the last 30 days or so (one new entry per day of our trip) but since about 2 days ago, I only seem to be able to add 12 images before I receive an "ERROR! Sorry, we can't create unique name for your image. Please contact us".
What am I doing wrong, or is there a limit on images per entry or per blog that I've failed to read about?

Hi The Wapstars,

We do some automatic renaming of filenames that are really long. What can happen is that the filenames end up being the same as each other. At that point, we add a number to the front of it and increment up till 10 for that same filename. So for example 1_filename.jpg , 2_filename.jpg, etc.

When you hit this error it means your filenames are somehow quite similar to each other. We haven't really had many people hit this limit since it's not that easy to get to, but since you hit it we're having a look to see if we can handle it a little better on our end. In the meanwhile, I'd suggest naming the files more uniquely at the start or end of the filename (the middle is the part that we remove if the name is too long for our taste).

Hope that helps, Peter

Hi. Peter (Admin)

I have also recently experienced a problem displaying photos emailed using my IPad. Up to 25th Aug I have been able to upload an example of photos by emailing them to the designated email address in settings. I need to do this as I an writing my blog using an IPad and I am downloading all my pictures onto my IPad.

However since this date none of my photos emailed to my designated email address have displayed, by the way I had emailed 22 photos successfully but for some unknown reason this process seems to have stopped working.

Any ideas?

South East Asia Walkabout blog

can only load 12 images to blog entry - why?

can only load 12 images to blog entry - why?

can only load 12 images to blog entry - why?

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