Hey everyone!
California is awesome because it has so much geographic diversity. There have been days where my boyfriend has gone snowboarding and surfing on the same day. Doing a trip from San Diego to San Francisco (or just a little more north to see the Redwoods) is always fun.
If you want to stay near the coast (which, unless you have a ton of time, I recommend), you can take the 101 almost all the way up.
San Diego --> LA-->Santa Barbra--> San Luis Obispo--> San Francisco is a pretty good rough outline and there are tons of options for little side trips.
If you are trying to pack in a ton of tourist stuff, you might want to try the East Coast since everything is more packed together. You could see New York and D.C. easily in one trip but I haven't traveled as much in the east so I don't have too much info on that.
As usual, we can't really answer this unless we know what interests you and how long you plan to visit.
Are you interested in:
-historical sites?
-resort areas (and if so, near beaches or inland near mountains or deserts)?
-national parks?
-normal everyday American life?
-special sporting events?
-technologies and innovation?
-gambling and nightlife?
-ecological diverse or great wildlife areas?
Ashwilltravel has picked a spot (above that has a variety of side trips in one state). Great if you are visiting for a limited time (like a week)--but for all we know, you might have a year to travel.
Let us know these the answer to the questions above and we'll be able to help you out a little bit more. Thanks, and welcome to the site.
I love to go in America i need help with the procedure of Visa can any one help me to get VISA!
I'd recommend New York. It's a big city, with lots to see, and daily flights from almost anywhere in the world. From there, you can go north to Boston and New England or south to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D.C., or inland to Pennsylvania Dutch Country, or Niagara Falls-- all within a day or two of driving. If you prefer not to drive, the Northeast is the one corner of the U.S. which is actually well-served by trains (at least between major cities). If you want to visit rural areas, or smaller cities, of course you'll need a car.
California would be my second choice. There's incredible natural diversity in that state, as well as one of my favourite cities in the U.S., San Fransisco.
As Calcruzer mentions it's impossible to give any usable advice when you give no clue whatsoever regarding your budget, interests, likes/dislikes, etc.
The US is one of the most diverse countries on the planet and it offers just about anything you can imagine in terms of travel experiences so you need to give some input.
Odesk1211, how is anyone supposed to comment on a Visa when you give zero information regarding your nationality, passport, etc?
Start by Googling the US Embassy in your home country and on their website you can research Visas.
Good luck.
I'd recommend the west coast for the variety of landscapes, cultures and beaches, midwest for mountains and nature or the north east coast to learn more about America's history.
It really depends on what interests you.
Hi. I don't want to be a pain in the "behind" , but I just wanted to say that it's kind of bothering to read USA being called just "America". I happen to live in America, but not in the USA. It's little weird that just one country takes over the name of an entire continent.
Sorry!!! Just saying. I happen to stumble on this thread just by the title and i was confused at first when it was only mentioned one country.

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