Hi there everyone
I'd like to contribute my thoughts here
1. How many foreign countries did you visit in the past year?
- 3! Hong Kong, The Philippines, US
2. Do you enjoy trying the local cuisine when travelling in a foreign country?
- It depends on what kind of cuisine that is being offered. For example there was this time that I was offered to eat frogs and a local told me it tasted like chicken. Well indeed, it tasted like chicken but did not enjoyed it (even if i tried) since I know it was frogs that I was eating.
3. Do you think sampling the local cuisine is part of the cultural experience/helps you connect more with the country's culture?
- Yes definitely.
4. When you arrive in a foreign country, would it be useful if you had something which provided a list of the local specialties in that country and where to find it? Do you have something like this already?
- I do this spontaneously.
5. If Y to no. 6, would it be useful to have information on how to order it in a foreign language?
- Well, not really. It's really nice to know first hand what is being served first, rather than saying it on their own dialect without even knowing what's in it.
6. are you more interested in finding the best local specialties by dish or more interested in the top local restaurants?
- Best local specialties of course.
1. How many foreign countries did you visit in the past year?
France and Spain
2. Do you enjoy trying the local cuisine when travelling in a foreign country?
Yes, I try to get a good mix of local food and occasionally comfort food that's more like home. I especially like unique street food like the piadinas in Rimini, Italy or the gyro with fries inside in Mykonos rather than fancy food in expensive restaurants.
3. Do you think sampling the local cuisine is part of the cultural experience/helps you connect more with the country's culture?
Definitely. I love seeing the differences. I have my own experiment going on to find out the local differences in McDonald's from country to country. e.g. In Greece, you get a tiny plastic fork for your fries and in Germany you can order beer. I also like to visit supermarkets to see what unique commercial goods they have. I wish America had some of the flavors of chips other countries do! The pinxtos and tapas social culture in Spain is also interesting.
4. When you arrive in a foreign country, would it be useful if you had something which provided a list of the local specialties in that country and where to find it? Do you have something like this already?
In my pre-trip research, I can usually find out what unique things I should search out and try.
5. If Y to no. 6, would it be useful to have information on how to order it in a foreign language?
I assume you meant to say "If Y to no. 4". Yes that probably would be helpful, especially if there is etiquette involved like there is with tapas. e.g., do you pay when you get it or pay at the end before you leave...
6. are you more interested in finding the best local specialties by dish or more interested in the top local restaurants?
I would rather know what the specialties are and figure out where to get it myself. I tend to not believe restaurant recommendations because I feel they are either paid for or would be too touristy and I would rather go to a place for locals.
1. How many foreign countries did you visit in the past year?
Italy, Greece, Czech Republic and Spain
2. Do you enjoy trying the local cuisine when travelling in a foreign country?
Definitely! Every country has tasty delicacies to offer and only sticking to international food would be a wasted opportunity.
3. Do you think sampling the local cuisine is part of the cultural experience/helps you connect more with the country's culture?
Yes. Food and the art of the table are a big part of every culture.
4. When you arrive in a foreign country, would it be useful if you had something which provided a list of the local specialties in that country and where to find it? Do you have something like this already?
Yes. I either ask friends who are more familiar with the local food culture. Lately I´ve also been using a few apps or simply conducted researches in the internet.
5. If Y to no. 6, would it be useful to have information on how to order it in a foreign language?
This would be a plus, as trying to speak the local language usually let the locals open up.
6. are you more interested in finding the best local specialties by dish or more interested in the top local restaurants?
I´d be more interested to learn about the best local restaurants, where the locals also go.
1.) 9
2.) Absolutely.
3.) Of course.
4.) This is super easy to research.
5.) Also easy to research.
6.) Both.
1) Well, I'm living in a foreign country, China. But I didn't travel anywhere this year. :-(
2) Of course. That's part of the reason I travel.
3) I think eating at someone's home, as a guest, can be a great way to learn about a foreign culture. But just eating in restaurants? Not so much.
4) Yes, that might be useful. Good idea.
5) That's why I have a phrasebook.
6) I can rarely afford the 'top local restaurants', unfortunately. I'm more of a budget traveller.

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