How does one become a full member?
Contribute a lot to the site; pretty much all activities count for this; writing blog posts, writing articles for the travel guide (wiki), posting here on the forum, uploading photos, etc.
The benefits of being a "full member" are pretty limited nowadays, though; you'd be able to create more blogs than now (but most only want 1 blog, so aren't running into the limit anyway), and to archive more than an already large number of high-resolution photos, but that's about it.
Thank you for the information!
I think the major benefit of being a full member is if you're trying to earn revenue off of your blog. Being a full member allows you to put your adsense ID into your profile.
Hello I am James Bishop and i am new to this site. I would like to ask if how to post blogs/share stories to this site? Anyone can help? Thanks in advance

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