Hello, I will be in India from the States for a wedding in December, an opportunity of a lifetime that I cannot pass up. While I am over there, I have found that you can get very cheap tickets from India to Thailand. This seems to be another opportunity that I can't pass up! However, I have never been out of the States and am looking for any advice I can get. I will be traveling alone, and as a single female jumping out of my box I am looking for any tips I can get. I want to stay on beaches in hammocks and bungalows and soak up as much beauty as I can get on a major budget. I'm not looking for big city fun, just a gorgeous experience. I will be backpacking as well as I am a pretty low maintenance person. Any advice for cheap beauty on beaches in safe areas? I would also like to see as much as possible so am thinking about Malaysia and Singapore. Any thoughts, advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
Hi I would be interested to backpack around Thailand if u r interested.
I have not been to Thailand, but I am going in February and have been doing a little research.
For the Asian beach experience you're looking for I'd recommend taking a look into the Thai islands and coastal towns - Ko Phi Phi, Ko Tau, Phuket, Krabi and Hua Hin. In Malaysia I'd recommend Malaysian Borneo or the islands off mainland Malaysia - Pulau Tioman or Pulau Rendang. They all look beautiful and have a lot to offer.
Hi Tamara, will you be there around those dates?
Thanks Ollie, I'll look into that!
Also, does anyone know if it's pretty easy to get around with English being your only language?
Most people in the major SE Asian cities can speak at least broken English; a lot can speak it quite well - its beneficial to them as tourists have lots of money. When my sister went last year she took an Asian phrase book with her, so I'd recommend picking one of those up if you plan to go rural at all.
I have not booked a flight to thailand. However if I know someone else wants to go backpacking around those dates, I would be willing to go.
Hey Shelly,
My name is Tanu and I will be traveling to Thailand during Dec.
I work and live in UK
Hey guys,
I'm off to Thailand in December..arrive in Bangkok on the 2nd..will be there for a few nights before heading up to Chang Mai for a few days. Then making my way down to Samui, Koh Tao and Koh Phangan for Christams - will then be heading down through Malaysia to Singapore when I fly out to Oz on the 2nd Jan!
If any of you think your plans might be similar would be great to hook up, explore, have a few beers together! Am going solo to, so know how you feel!!
Vicki x

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