I herd great things but, what is it really like there? How is the cost as well? Also, I'm 18 from the USA and will be traveling alone. Do you think this is a good idea? What will I need? Thank you everyone
Are you male or female?
Does the sign in name have anything to do with crack cocaine? If dope is on your mind be warned that these countries do not like dopers!
Why Indonesia for your first country to visit and not a more tourist friendly country like Thailand? Bali is fine but this is a primary Muslim country. If you are Muslim then you will be right at home.
When young tourists travel alone they sometimes make bad decisions like hanging around with people who use dope or get so wasted on alcohol that they do stupid things. When you get thrown in jail in Asia this is not a pleasant experience! A jail in the US is like a plush hotel compared to one of these Asian prisons.
To go anywhere you must plan a budget out. Know how much you can afford for hotels, food, transportation after you pay for plane tickets. Fit the trip to what you can afford.
There are many women who travel to Bali, especially from Australia. Most do okay, some get ripped off by the Kuta Cowboys they hook up with. Male or female read up on this country first and sort of plan out what you want to see. You will need a passport, money and check the visa requirements for the passport you enter with. Don't lose your passport because you will have a big problem! (Photo copy your information page and the visa stamp page.) Read up on how to handle currency. If you intend to use a credit or debit card tell your bank first. If you intend to carry cash with you maybe stay in hotels with safety boxes!
Flying from the US stay at least 2 weeks because it is long expensive flight. Get the most of it. A Lonely Planet travel guide will help you. Buy one or borrow one from library.
When you need hotel advice mention how much you want to pay and what location.
For a first time visit to Asia my advice is to start with Thailand. In any event see if the Indonesian Muslims also participate in riots like Egypt, Yemen and Libya over that video. (Sometimes it does not take much for some religions to riot!)
When you travel affects the price of your plane tickets. You could visit a local travel agency in your own hometown. They could give you some pointers.
Up to you.
[ 14-Sep-2012, at 15:23 by karazyal ]
Are you male or female?
Why Indonesia for your first country to visit and not a more tourist friendly country like Thailand? Bali is fine but this is a primary Muslim country. If you are Muslim then you will be right at home.
In any event see if the Indonesian Muslims also participate in riots like Egypt, Yemen and Libya over that video. (Sometimes it does not take much for some religions to riot!)
This is a highly inflammatory post, made by someone that clearly has no idea about Bali, or for that matter respect of foreign cultures. The Balinese major religion is a form of Balinese Hindu. The majority of Muslims you meet in Asia are the most respectful and trustworthy people you will meet. Id take a Muslim taxi driver over any other driver any day, in fact I seek them out, because it is a strong part of their religion to be honest. The way Karazyal talks about them is disgraceful and yet again has no place on a travel forum.
Rodger Dodger "over and out!" Keep that old ostrich head buried in the sand! Peace and love and harmony, etc!
I have been to Bali! Many tourists continue from there to other areas of Indonesia. I used Bali as a stepping stone for charity programs in Sumbawa Besar many years ago. Some tourists visit Jakarta and various island areas.
With the current state of public schools in America who knows if this person even knows what country Bali is located in!
Ms Dodger, must be hell going through life always trying to pick fights. Just accept that other people also have strong views too!
No I don't do drugs. And I know where Bali is. Let's keep this forum polite and friendly ok? Anyways, thank you Dodger. That's the main reason I want to go. For the PEACEFUL atmosphere I've herd about
Also karazyal, I appreciate the help. But you need to evaluate yourself and, your motives for the rude comments.
Hey! Yes I know the public school system over here is f****d, and as a result many of us have taken it upon ourselves to be educated. At least the ones that realize how important travel is in the growth of ourselves as human beings. I doubt cracbag would be planning a trip there if he/she didn't know where it was.
Cracbag-that is an interesting choice of name, I must say
Rodger Dodger "over and out!" Keep that old ostrich head buried in the sand! Peace and love and harmony, etc!
I have been to Bali! Many tourists continue from there to other areas of Indonesia. I used Bali as a stepping stone for charity programs in Sumbawa Besar many years ago. Some tourists visit Jakarta and various island areas.
With the current state of public schools in America who knows if this person even knows what country Bali is located in!
Ms Dodger, must be hell going through life always trying to pick fights. Just accept that other people also have strong views too!
It may be that the American educational system is down the toilet, but how interesting that a 18 year old has to teach you, a self proclaimed "old fart" some manners. If I was to have a go at a little psychology I would say that you are projecting your own anger at life in these forums. You posted on here a particularly hateful slur against Muslims and Bali, and you obviously don't have an understanding of either, or even of American youth it seems. Your link is of a fractional part of Muslim fundamentalists, you could equally say all Christians are bible thumping loonies and you should avoid going to America. It's pretty clear it's you that is burying your head in the sand if you believe Bali is full of fundamental Muslims.
To the OP we seem to have got way off track, but I can tell you Bali is a fantastic place, and if you have the opportunity to go then certainly do. Depending what you are looking for Kuta is a bit of a crazy party place, but there are still some great things to see there and its a good place to meet other travelers to then explore the rest of the island with. Ubud was far away the best place. I little more sleepy, and with a little touch of western luxuries, but you can still find great little guest houses for about $10 a night.
No I don't do drugs. And I know where Bali is. Let's keep this forum polite and friendly ok? Anyways, thank you Dodger. That's the main reason I want to go. For the PEACEFUL atmosphere I've herd about
Heard - not herd!
Also karazyal, I appreciate the help. But you need to evaluate yourself and, your motives for the rude comments.
Which rude comments?

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