Australia December 2013

Hiya Everybody

Hey Alana,

My very lose plan at the minute is to travel between Brisbane and Melbourne in december. I have work commitments in Brisbane for a few days but then want to travel over 3 weeks down through sydney to Melbourne where my sister is staying for a year, probably returning to the UK just after Christmas!

You're lucky to have 8 weeks! Do you have any idea of how you'll split your time between places or will you just go with it? I'm guessing you won't work during the 8 weeks?!


Hi Catherine

Not really got any set plans to be honest, just going to see what happens! Would love to be in Sydney just before New Year then onto Melbourne but I shall wait and see!

I have family/friends in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne so planning on spending at least a few days with them.

Not working during the 8 weeks so I'm currently trying to save as much as possible!!!



I fly into Melbourne on 5th December, so I willvbe travelling up the east coast the opposite way! But plan to be in Sydney for NYE (along with every other person on here!) so we'll have to rendezvous for beer o'clock!


Hiya Gav

Aahh your going the opposite way!! Rendezvous at beer o'clock sounds good!! Have you booked a hostel for NYE yet? Read on other posts places get booked up quickly?


Well, my plan is to get a camper, thus providing me with accom for NYE.... Alough Im guessing the camper sites will hike prices aswel. I was debating the idea of spending NYE in Melbourne but I don't think I can miss out on Sydney!

Lets party!

Hi Alana,

I arrive from Bangkok on the 8th and am planning to heading up to Cairns straight away and making my way down the coast for 2 months. I also have friends in Brisbane and Sydney. Sounds like we should definitely meet up! Have you got any further into the detail of your trip?


Hi Steph!

No I haven't booked my flights yet but hoping to do so this month!

I would hopefully be arriving in Cairns at the beginning of December.

Do you have any details of your trip or must dos? We should definitely meet up!!!


i am hoping to be in oz around december time my visa has been granted but would hopefully like to make a big trip out of it i would be in perth and theren try to work my way around the countrey amy insight ppl would be appreciated

Hi all! I have just booked my flight to Melbourne 14 Dec...have no fixed plans yet! NYE in Sydney sounds like fun though! I only have 3 weeks..if anyone has any exciting plans and wants to meet up get in touch!

Australia December 2013

Australia December 2013

Australia December 2013

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