Hi. ive just been granted my whv and was looking to head out around September but i have a friend who has a place in nz and has asked me to go over and stay. hes flying back to nz in august and would be nice to travel to nz with him first and spend a week or so there. was wondering if anyone has done this or has plans to do some thing similar and would i need an additional visa? any advice would be appreciated!
Thanks Becky
As you're on a UK passport, you'll get a 6 month tourist visa for free on arrival. It's worth spending much longer than a week in New Zealand though if you can!
thats good to know! ive just been looking up and all i could manage to get was thats if your not a resident of australia or nz ill need a visa which would cost £125! thanks
I agree with Bex(76) New Zealand is lovely, and in my opinion worth much more time - I enjoyed it more than Australia. After you've used your WHV for Oz you should definitely do the same for New Zealand!

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