I was planning on going to oz in sept but my friend has just pulled out have visa sorted but no flights booked yet as I'm freaking out about going alone. I'm from Belfast, Ireland. Would you recommend me still going alone? R u going alone? Was planning on going to Brisbane but I'm open to any suggestion? Have u ur flights booked?
Hi Nicola :-)
I have my flights booked to arrive in melbourne september 22nd. I am going alone so yes iw ould recommend it. Everyoen i have spoken to has said going alone is the best way to do it as you will meet so many people who want to share the journey with you. Going to friends / Partners can sometimes not work out great but in other situations be the best thing for certian people so i guess its all personal preference.
Are you on facebook?
I have nothing planned as of yet regarding visa or flights but I do wanna go! Are ye going to work or just on a holiday?
Hi I am also looking to travel solo in September and am looking for a travel buddy, no set plans yet so I am open to suggestions, I would really love to be in Sydney for New Year's Eve though! I would love some company as it s really daunting doing that first step alone!
My plan is melbourne from 22nd sept and I will work...I am hoping to get to Sydney for Xmas and New Years and then I have no other set plans except to keep working and make my way up to cairns. Are you looking to book? X
Yeh I am looking to book! Do you have a job or anything organised or are you just flying to Melbourne and hoping to find something out there?
Hey yeh I'm looking to book soon, I was also planning on working my way up to cairns maybe do some seasonal work to get a 2nd year visa too.
No job yet I'm just planning on finding something when I arrive and see what appends from there really. X
That's my plan too I want a social jobs like bar work!

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