Hey dude are all your flights booked and set in stone? Just wondering because I fly into Bangkok on May 6th to travel round Thailand, Laos and Cambodia (left it too late to get a Vietnam visa) for 6wks then I'm off to Oz for a month. Going solo too and like you a wee bit scared to death travelling on my own :-p I'm a 25yr old irish girl up for the craic while seeing the world
Hi Kathy,
Not set in stone but I won't be making it to Bangkok until July 17th at the earliest. Hope you have a great time! Sorry our timetables don't work. I'm a little scared going off on my own.
I am pleased to become your free guide for you when you travel in vietnam!
Ah thats a shame oh well hope you have a blast dude=) It'll be a bit nerve wracking alright for all of us going solo but then once we hit our destinations I'm sure we'll loads of awesome peeps in the same boat as us

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