My girlfriend and I are 22 and have decided that working 8 hours everyday making just enough to get buy is not for us. We want to travel and see amazing things. We have just started to sell our belongings and are trying to get together about $4000 and go from there. We just purchased a reliable vehicle because our plan has been to drive around the US, camping and checking out the beauty that we have in our own backyard. However, I have been doing a lot of reading and we are wondering if it would be easier to make it in another country. I know there is a lot of amazing things to see in America that I have always wanted to explore, but the problem is that it's extremely expensive and I don't know how long $4000 will last. I fear that we will end up in another state working another useless job without really achieving this goal. I am starting to think that the US is just a safe zone for us and jumping to another country is way out of our league at the moment. This needs to happen, but we don't want to be completely miserable in a few months, we want to make this happen for the next few years if not longer. I would really appreciate any feedback, advice, or experiences that anyone may have. Thank You.
Hi - you don't say where in America you live but it'll still be quite costly for you to travel to another country other than perhaps Canada or Mexico. However, it may be worth your while looking at airtickets abroad with a budget airline and getting a taste of another country. If there are cheap tickets to Asia, your dollars can go a long way once you're there (Laos, Cambodia, India, Nepal). It might also be possible to move abroad to work where things will be different but where you don't necessarily have to learn a new language (Australia, New Zealand, Britain). You might need to do a great deal more researching before you're absolutely ready to leave your home for a few years but it could certainly be worth it.
If you travel the USA, it's really just going to be the same culture you're used to, just with some new sights added. Fairly tame.
If you've not travelled beyond your continent before i'd suggest south east asia because it definitely ticks the "something new" box and once there your funds will go ten times further than in the US.
I'd also say spend a bit of time working and saving up before you go - a day's wages at US rates may give you up to an extra week away, and the more money you go with the better your trip may be. Being broke is miserable wherever you are.
Oops just reread the bit about making alife for a few years. Difficult. In the cheap places of the world you struggle to find work against cheaper locals. In the developed places they seldom let you work - work permits and such. Best you can hope is one or perhaps two years working holiday visa in Aus/NZ.
I'm a poor senior, and I head for SE Asia (always Vietnam) for several reasons:
it's not the same old fast food, malls and interstates
the people are fantastic/outgoing - they love Americans
the price can't be beat - hotels from $20. and up
the food is cheap
domestic air travel is cheap as well as safe
I even return home with cash to spare
very photogenic
my next trip costs $1004. in airfare (March)
English widely understood - no language problem at all
plenty of ATM's for cash
[ 16-Nov-2013, at 11:28 by Daawgon ]

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