Hey everyone!
Are you going on a working holiday visa? Seems a bit of a shame to use that when only going for two months, as you'll only get one in a lifetime (with the only exception being if you do three months of specified work (fruit picking e.a.) while on it, which allows you to get a second one). But if you'd go on an eVisitor, you wouldn't be allowed to work at all. (This is assuming you aren't a kiwi, as they can just work in Australia whenever. It helps to specify these kind of things when asking advice on an international travel forum.)
Anyway, there's loads and loads of backpackers interested in bar work and similar, and I'd expect employers to prefer someone who's there right now, rather than someone who might show up in a while, so I wouldn't expect to be able to find that kind of work in advance. Also, you'd need to do Responsible Serving of Alcohol training in Australia before you'd be allowed to do bar work (paying attention to the specific state you'd want to work in).
As for Perth versus Sydney: I found Sydney a much more enjoyable city, with a lot more going on, and although Sydney is really expensive, Perth isn't far behind on that score. But if you end up not working after all, I'd recommend travelling around, rather than sticking to a single city. There's so much to see in Australia.

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