I read all these blogs and hear stories about people quitting their job and travelling the world. My question to those who have done this or those who know others who have, how substantial was the job you quit? Was it a six-figure job that you left behind? Or a desk job that was a n easy decision. I would LOVE to travel the world for a few years, but I'm also worried about my future and the future well being of my potential family.
Will let you know in the next few months, leaving my job in August to travel Europe for 3 months and stay in UK for 2 years. There were many general factors to consider before I made the decision to leave such as comfort level, career progression, pay, job satisfaction, physical health, curiosity, new interests, career change, fresh start, partners opinion etc. Then comes the planning to ensure that if anything goes wrong you can adapt to the situation as you planned. Be patient, thorough and follow through with it and you'll be fine. Me and my partner have planned almost everyday of our trip and also after our trip ends. As an example I'm prepared to be unemployed for up to 5 months while away and if it doesn't work out I can go to Australia and work or return to New Zealand and study at uni for a career change. Either way I will still get to travel.
I have been working the Navy as a Marine Engineer for 7 years. There are plenty of opportunities for career progression, the pay may not be the best around but theres a feeling of comfort knowing you and your partner/family get taken care of. Halting my career progression was a spinal injury I had 3 years ago which crippled me and caused chronic nerve pain. So I basically had no life for 2 years because I couldn't walk and was in constant pain. After my spinal surgery and injury rehab was successful my focus was on career progression. Being in the military can be quite a physical job and can push your body and mind to the limits with some of the career progression training they have. I soon realised that even though I am back to walking and running I don't want to risk my body for the sake of career progression. There are many things I want to do before my body gives up on me and it made me realise how short life could be if I don't get out of my comfort zone and live it. I also have no interest of being a Marine Engineer/Electrician outside of the Navy unless I'm really desperate. I want to pursue my other interests and find what I am passionate about.

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