Hello people!
Hi Yulie.
I will be in Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam from roughly October 14 - Feb 15.
Aus and NZ March and April.
Ecuador to do a South American tour with Intrepid, finishing in Rio, Brazil in June.
I'll be in San Jose, Costa Rica in July for two months then working my way up west coast USA to Seattle.
If you want someone to explore with and te days match up. I'm game.
Will, 27 from UK.
This sounds perfect to me too (sorry I have gate crashed your post)
I am looking to set off next June but have a list of places id like to visit and this is pretty much it. I am looking into it now as I'll be doing it on my own so need to meet people before hand. I am going to be very flexible in an order so If I meet people I can go where they're going etc, if we get on. I could quite easily start my journey in Brazil in June as this is on my list of places and so is Costa Rica and road tripping in America.
If you wouldn't mind, I would be tempted. Shame I can't join you before as all your other places are areas I want to visit. I'll just visit in a different order to you x
Hey Naomi.
Your more than welcome to join me any of the above countries. I'm travelling alone and company is always good!
If time/budget allows I'm thinking of returning to SE Asia after USA road trip, anyway as I have almost a full itinary already which would allow limited down time. And down time/ exploring is my favorite!
Ok perfect
Company is always good. You'll have to keep me updated on your progress then. I'll be looking to book my ticket to somewhere probably January time after Xmas - and then just going to go with the flow. Would be good to have someone to meet when I arrived though so this is a big possibility, especially if you could be heading back to SE Asia after.
How long you looking to go travelling for in total? Will you have quit your job to travel?
Are you looking to work whilst out there?
Naomi x x
I'll be travelling for at least 18 months, possibly two years. I have a feeling once I've got it in my system I'll just continue to put off returning to the UK(& Work)
Yes, I've quit my job but don't plan on doing anything too strenuous whilst travelling.
I'm not too sure where I'll be in June. (Best way to be!) but I'm guessing either Brazil or somewhere in Central America, Panama perhaps. Who knows!
Do you use Facebook? As far as I can make out you can't private message on here.
[ 05-Jun-2014, at 22:54 by Naomijay1987 ]
Hi Yulie
Sorry for interrupting your thread, I noticed you mentioned the Tiger Temple in Thailand. I wondered if you have research the temple and the treatment of the animals they use.
I don't want to ruin your experience of Asia, which is an incredible place, but this temple had experience a huge amount of negative press because of the treatment of their animals, which are malnourished, mistreated and regularly drugged.
I'm hoping the more people that are more aware of this 'Temples' reputation the less will support an organisation with as much bad press as this place.
Thanks and I don't want to ruin you trip and hope you enjoy your trip.

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