Sophia1988 has indicated that this thread is about Argentina
Hi Sophia,
I´ve been to Buenos Aires a fair few times and I´ve had no problems. It´s a big city like any other in the world so you just need to take normal city precuacions.
During the day there´s no problem, just be aware of pickpockets on busy public transport (though I´ve never experienced this problem in Buenos Aires). At night keep to the main avenues where there´s always people and avoid any quiet back streets, and if unsure take a taxi, there´s hundreds of them. The bar areas are usually busy so no problem. If you´re going to stay in a backpackers hostel there will allways be others willing to venture out so you won´t be alone. The area called Boca is a poorer district, I´ve wandered around during the day out of the touristy zone and had no problem but wouldn´t risk it at night.
The weather should be like spring around 20 C. Maybe a few rainy days.
hope this helps,
Hi Sophia,
Completely safe, great fun, and an acceptable climate: I think you'll like BsAs. Take a sweater, though, for the weather can still be chilly in september. Avoid the suburbs (as usual), especially at night. But there's little chance that you'd end up there anyway, since most of the action is downtown. Also, avoid a number of barrios in "El Sur" by night if you're on your own; they're save-ish, but seedy. In particular this warning concerns all barrios east of San Juan avenue and Montserrat.
Niels (Amsterdam)
Hi Sophia,
September has usually a pretty nice weather, it's still a bit cold, but the
sun shins almost every day and since Spring begins on the 21st people and
young's specially get to go outdoors and to parks, etc... Buenos Aires is not unsafe, like Rio de Janeiro for example... It's a big
capital city, so you have to be aware of the things you'll be caring of in
any capital city, dark areas, personal belongings on hand, etc... Buenos Aires night life is amazing, going all the way till sunrise... public
transport like buses go all night, but taxi cabs are really inexpensive so
you can hail cabs any time. Radio taxis are even better, you have their
number and call for a car any time of the day or night no extra charge and
you know the company you're traveling with...
It's best if you speak Spanish and you'll immediately get the Argentine
Spanish feel!
I hope I've been of help, hope you enjoy BA when you come, cheers from sunny
BA, Bob Frassinetti
Hi Sophia!
I'm from Brazil and I'm going to Bs As this year.
I'll stay there from 14th to 21st.
Well, I agry with the others topics and everything that I'm reading about this city says that you need to take care of your cameras, bags, etc. Thieves are common.....but nothing to be scared...a lot of people say that felt safe there.
I felt safe there, when I went in 1997.
The weather in Bs As is the same that here in Brazil. So, I guess it's gonna be a little cold in september, 'cause is winter's end....
If you need some company in that days here I am!! )
Look, I'll stay in milhouse hostel(hypolito 'hirigoyen' street), in downtown.
BsAs is a very safe city to visit. Most areas of town are safe. But like any big city there are some not so good areas of town. These areas would be La Boca and Constitution, but only at nightime, in the daytime in these areas should be safe. Bars and clubs in the evening are safe to visit. Don't be scared to catch the public transport system either - subte, tren or buses - they are safe too and also much cheaper than relying on taxis all the time.
September bring something warm for the evenings, but daytime temperatures should still be mild.
bien. entiendes espanyol A working knowledge of spanish definitely helps.
Weather cannot be forecast months in advance.. a week yes...7 days before your departure check daily the forecast for Buenos Aires on Weather Undergound - wunderground - Argentina find easily on Google and also several Argentinian websites feature the daily weather forecast. September is early spring and usually chilly at night, if rain is the forecast teh weather site will tell you 7 days in advance.
Hi Sophia, I would avoid La Boca, even during the day, or at least take a taxi there, don't walk there like i did. I got mugged by 3 teens in the middle of the day on the riverfront just 100 yards from the tourist area. Other than that you'll LOVE BsAs!! wonderful city and a bargain to boot!
It is totally safe to go to Argentina! It is just as safe as America, in fact probably safer in some areas! Theft is definitely not a problem in Buenos Aires (unless your an idiot) and you will be perfectly safe using public transportation. Okay, here are the biggest problems for smart and adventurous tourists in Buenos Aires: road rage - people drive INSANELY in Buenos Aires and not all intersections have traffic lights. Also, you shouldn't hire a taxi off the street unless it has a license in it's window. But, the city is fine besides those few problems.
Here are the three places I would recommend going in Argentina: Buenos Aires, El Calafate and Ushuaia. I haven't been to Igazu Falls, but I hear it's supposed to be awesome!
El Calafate is totally safe as well and has a beautiful glacier, Perito Moreno as others. My only caution there is not to try to go down to Perito Moreno by yourself - get a tour. El Calafate is one of those places where you have to plan ahead.
Unfortunately, when I went to Ushuaia I was sick, so I didn't get to see much. But here's what I know: Ushuaia is famous for being the southernmost city in the world (although the southernmost city in the world really is Puerto Williams, Chile, but Ushuaia is close to that city). At the center of the city, there is a big sign up saying "The Southernmost City in the World" in Spanish. Since Ushuaia used to be a penal colony, it has a museum of the former prison. There is also a supposedly beautiful national park near it (Parque Nacional de Tierra del Fuego) which I didn't see because I was sick.
Anyway, Argentina is a great place to visit. Although I wouldn't recommend driving there (take taxis or subway in Buenos Aires, tour buses in El Calafate and taxis in Ushuaia, then rent a car for a side trip to Parque Nacional), Google Maps now has driving directions in Argentina, so it's now easier than ever to plan an Argentina road trip.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a fun trip to Argentina - in my opinion, it is one of the unknown travel gems of the world.
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