Indian WEDDING GIFT - what is appropriate - help needed :)!

Camerowska has indicated that this thread is about India

Hi Marta,
Well you know the gift is the thing that beats the hell out of everyone. It sure is a tough stand to take on gifts but going from my experience it actually depends from person to person and region to region. What i have generally seen in kolkata or calcutta is that people usually give gifts singly unless you give a very expensive gift then you can combine. You have a very good choice there since everyone just loves new things which they cannot find in their country so go ahead and do try out something unique, (just remember that you have to get it past customs
Well if you have thought abt the gift then you can mail me the description and i could advise you further. Depending also on your friend's religion, lots of things are accepted and many unaccepted so a little heads up would be good.
The good thing is whatever you give is accepted with gratitude and i am sure your friend is more than happy that at least you are going to be there at his wedding.
Let me know how it goes and also watch out for my next mail.
Take Care

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thx 4 a quick reply!
well... it's also tough for me 2 figure WHAT woudl b UNIQUE in india... i've never even been 2 Asia, so its a bit beyond my imagination have 2 say

My friend actually lives in Mumbai (him & the future wife have already been living 2gether for some time). He is a Hindu (but not at all strictly sticking 2 the faith), from a rather high cast my guess would b. He is thinking in a more European way than an average Indian would, I think... that's all the info i have...

is it by any means bringing us closer 2 the idea ?


HI Marta,

I'm also an Indian and i want to tell u that as u only know the groom and is from his side then u can give something for a wedding gift like:

-Some household item. e.g-crockery,cooking range,silver spoons set.
-Silk Bedcover or some branded bedcover.
-Some electronic item. E.g-microwave
-Shirt for the guy and some saree(Indian dress)for the bride.
-A set of bath salts,lotion,shampoo etc-a basket full of all this plus some scented candles.
-Silver Candle stands
-A good photo frame

In India ppl give such gifts which can be used after marriage and are good for bothe the groom and the bride. It's ok if u people pool in the money and 1 gift can also be given from 3-4 people's behalf.

Or if u don't want 2 give any gift then u can even give money in a nice envelope.

I hope this information will be of some use for u...

enjoy the wedding !!!!!!!

Hi Marta
It sure is bringing us closer
Anyways i think scoobygirl has given some good ideas. You could try them out. My best bet is still something authentic from your place. Like i will give you an example when i went to USA, i brought a friend, a traditional Indian Dress and for his wife gave her a saree(Typical Dress for an indian lady) and they totally freaked out on that. They said that that was one of the best things they received. Similarly i am sure there must be lots of things that are ethnic in your place and like scoobygirl said give something that they can use to start their new life. Remember its the thought that counts. You can even gift them some decorative items famous in your city.
Hope it helps.


Since the wedding is taking place in kolkata, I assume your friend is a bengali. As per bengali custom presents are given to the bride when the groom takes his friend to see the bride, you should be ready with your present to give it to her. All three can club together and give a present( single present) . Just say this present is from all three of us. Another ocassion to give present is when the groom hosts a party after the wedding is over , mostly the next day called "bou bath" in local language, which basically means you are giving a party to the girl side. What to present ? give her a golden chain or a golden ring if it suits ur budget or you can present her with a benarasi sari, or some cutlery if your budget is low. present something which they will use in their daily life . here volt is 220 in case u want to present some electrical items.

Dude - Its what ever you give brother! Whatever her fams gets! Welcome to the FAMZ - Deepest Sympathies my brother!!!! and welcome to the family lol

Indian WEDDING GIFT - what is appropriate - help needed :)!

Indian WEDDING GIFT - what is appropriate - help needed :)!

Indian WEDDING GIFT - what is appropriate - help needed :)!

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