Really need your expertise on this: Is there a better/cheaper way to travel from Zurich to Prague and thereafter onto Vienna other than by train ? How much approximately do I need to put aside for the train rides?
My plan is to travel from Zurich (overnight train) to Prague and few days later, another ride to Vienna. Is there other alternatives? How do I check the train fares and timetable ?
Since I'm from outside Europe, should I reserve the tickets online or do I buy on the spot at Zurich and Prague train stations respectively?
Thank you very much.
Regards, Kat
Don't do the overnight train from Praha to Wien. It isn't a pleasant experience!
Check out the website . An impartial and invaluable resource for train travel in Europe and other parts of the world.
Dear Greg,
Thank you for your advise. The website is of tremendous help although I am not travelling from London but from Zurich to Prague and Vienna.
Can u suggest a decent and cheap accommodation in Vienna ? Where visiting major tourists' attractions on foot won't be a problem ?
Thank you.
Hello Kat how did your zurich - prague train booking go ?

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