Traveling is fun and stressful at the same time. It is always good to travel for fun and be able to see things that you have never seen before. There are many benefits of travel. People tend to stress when they travel more than have fun. When you travel, you need to be able to know where you are and where you are going. When you travel, you can discover many new places, have a nice relaxing time, and learn a lot of an area. This is all the Discovery is talking about. Traveling is fun!
I think the only time I stress when I am travelling is when I am tired either from a few nights out drinking or a sleep in an airport or a particularly bad hostel....When i notice this about myself i usually try to find a nice place outdoors and have a bit of relax/reflecting time...The best places to do this are obviously the Beach or a park or even just an alfresco dining area.
last year I drove around europe for three months and some of the times I look back on the fondest where Zauritz and Dubrovnik where I did nothing but eat good food drink coffee and relaxed by the beach.

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