Joondalup - Perth

Hey guys

When do you start your course?
I was working on a reply to your previous post about Fremantle and now you go in a totally different direction
Are we talking full-time or part-time course?
What kind of work would you be looking for?
Joondalup is on a direct train line to the CBD but where would you be staying while in Perth?
Looking for a place yourselves or interested in a share house?
Some more info please and I'll do my best.


Joondalup is one of the most northern suburbs (well with the boom in housing and increase in population recently the city has sprawled out even further, but Joondalup is the major centre in the northern suburbs).

It is on a direct train line to the Perth CBD, and also linked by the freeway if you have a car (although the freeway can get horrendously slow in peak hour!).

I've not really been to Joondalup much, but I'd be tempted to live somewhere near the coast; maybe Hillary's or Mullaloo? If you look on the TransPerth website, you can see what public transport runs between where you might live and Joondalup (assuming you won't have a car).

Hi Anthony,

well its actually changed back to Freemantle now, its been very confusing because we are going through an agent in London and the TAFE course that we want to do in events management is available at both the Freemantle and Joondalup sights but the Joondalup one is 6 months longer. Ive spoken to the agent today who has confirmed that myself and my friend have been accepted at Freemantle so maybe you can still in answer to ur questions

we start the course in July
its 20 hours study a week over 5 days
any type of work - admin/data entry/hotels etc
and im going with my friend so we are trying to work out a cheaper suburb to live in between perth and freemantle, so somewhere on the train line, if we can rent somewhere between us cheap enough then great but if not we will be happy in house share.

so yeah thats about it right now, im hoping ull have some great advise for me

Joondalup - Perth

Joondalup - Perth

Joondalup - Perth

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