I am an American student doing my MBA in England. As some of you may know, the UK is considering stopping the 2 year post study work visa for all existing and future students. Because of this new law that may pass, I have only been applying for jobs back home in the states. During the course of my MBA, I met another student from Czech Republic and we have started a very serious relationship. We decided that we want to stay together, and since it would be impossible for him to get a US visa, and it's impossible for me to get a job in the UK unless a company sponsors me, me are looking at a third country where we could work and be together. We are both very career oriented and have fantastic CV's, so would anyone have any suggestions what countries would look to hire someone from the EU and someone from the USA?
I am an American student doing my MBA in England.
I met another student from Czech Republic and we have started a very serious relationship. We decided that we want to stay together
How serious?
New Zealand will take just about anybody. There immigration is easy and friendly to deal with.
Australia is pretty good... if you can make the points for a skilled work migration visa status, try there. Also its warm.
Good Luck.
Australia is pretty good... if you can make the points for a skilled work migration visa status, try there. Also its warm.
Good Luck.
A number of Australian visas are taking a long time, so it may not be a good option. Long time meaning, 2 years before it's even looked at by a case officer in some cases.
How serious?
Back to my previous post, how serious the relationship is (i.e. does very serious mean marriage?) could provide an option to possibly remain in the UK () or maybe another EU country. Is it likely your Czech partner can find work in the UK?
Hi All,
Thanks for your help. We are very serious, the problem is we have just been dating for a short period of time. We know our time is limited with the MBA coming to an end, we need to make a decision soon. Because he is part of the EU, he can work in the UK. We aren't worried too much about language differences, because we want this to work out so badly that we are willing to learn another language to work in a different country.
We will definitely look into NZ though...
Thank you!
Have you thought about other European countries, like The Netherlands.....I have American friends who are living here with other nationalities....though I would suggest trying to have a job before you move....... You haven't mentioned what type of work you're both looking into but there is a large ex-pat network here with international companies.....
besides the usual monsterboard.nl you can also check out websites like undutchables or expatica ....

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