So this summer, I'll be taking a little trip right about 4-5 weeks. This could be looked at as a tour of the Ottoman Empire to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Only thing is I don't know one thing about this history. What should I see, read, do, whatever .. that would make my trip culturally rich and link it to the history of the cities?
AWESOME! I love this route and have done it a few times - mostly in reverse tho.
First Time I went from Buda - Cluj, Sighi, Bucharest, Varna, Istanbul.
Second time - I came from Poland, Lublin, Lvov, Suceava, Buchi, Valiko Tarnovo, Istanbul
So I would suggest adding Valiko Tarnovo to your route. Dont spend much time in Bucharest. 1 night is enough.
Try reading the history of Vlad Tepes for starts. But for one singular book that will teach you alot about this region (Balkans) is called Balkan Ghosts. Id really recommend this.
If we are talking about ottoman empire you should also see belgrade-serbia and thasseloniki -greece.
If we are talking about ottoman empire you should also see belgrade-serbia and thasseloniki -greece.
No they are too far off the itinerary. Besides I have a family engagement.

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