travelling to Central America-Include Belize or El salvador?

I am planning on travelling around Central America for two to three months. I was planning on flying into Guatemala City and then Flying out of San JOse in Costa Rica. I havent included belize in my itenerary because i want to work on my spaninsh and I heard English is mostly spoken and their, and also because it is a little out of the way and seems touristy. Also I havent heard the best things in terms places to go and safety either for el salvador. There are some places i definitely want to see in Honduras so i am debating just to go through honduras to get to nicaragua or make time to go to el salvador. Anybody who has been to either country please let me knwo if there is something down there it is not to be missed!

El Salvador is often unfairly overlooked and is a lovely place. There is some debate on whether San Salvador is rough or a jewel of CA, but the country is beautiful, and the people follow suit....I imagine DBloom will contact you on this country as he is the Official Champion of the place around here.

That said, if you are pressed for time and are planning to go to the Caribbean side of Honduras, you may have to miss El Salvador. There is still much to see and do, and you can go directly from Teguz, say, to Leon Nicaragua without any trouble.

I love Belize. I really do...But it is okay to miss that place too. They have some really great ruins there, but you'd be backtracking quite a ways.

Listen. If it were me, and the prices were comparable, I'd land in BZE instead of GUA. That way I could zip off to Tikal and Flores easily. I'd go from BZE direct to the Cayo(San Ignacio ) and then, the next day, go to Florese and Tikal. Because it would be a crime to go to Guat and not see the place where Luke Skywalker got his medal for blowing up the Death Star

Good Luck Out There

Yes my mothers family is from guatemala so i have been there before but mostly stayed in the city to visit with family their so i would verymuch like to explore the coutry and Tikal is on the top of my list of places to go in Guate (although the star wars aspect is a big draw as well but thanks so much for the tip i will check prices to land in BZE but I am pretty sure i will skip el salvador mainly because i would rather have more time in Guate and honduras.

so I know Belize is a little pricier than the other CA countries how much is a hostel? any recommendations on hostels/tours?

In the Cayo I was staying in hotels for 15 dollars a night. I don't like listening to other people sleep....But I imagine a hostel would be somewhere south of that price....

....damn. While typing that,I suddenly flashed to Two friendly women in The Cayo waving me up the stairs to the balcony of the hotel they owned. They gave me a Belikins just for being there.... A Great memory. Now I have an agonizing urge to get gone.

Anyhoo. If you go to San Ignacio, the best tour to go on is a local tour, (or it was) There is a cave behind a waterfall and in that cave there are ossified remains of people interred there, and pots and the like. You have to ford a river and go through a waterfall. The remains are in situ so you are admonished to follow the path of the guide EXACTLY. It's rather an adventurous experience. The locals were proud to say that it was an all local tour and had great respect for the site. Ask around when you get there.

Will send you by message my long 'Primer for first time travelers to Central America' I live in El Salvador now and before Guatemala and have travelled all over the region except remote parts of Panama and Atlantic coast of Nicaragua, if requiring more detail on a particular destination, message me. saludos. dbloom

Will send you by message my long 'Primer for first time travelers to Central America' dbloom

Hi dbloom,
Could you send me a copy of your primer please.
I'll be in Guatemala and Belize for 3 weeks in April.
I can't message but think I can still receive messages.



Got the primer and it is AWESOME!!!

Thanks heaps for that.

My email is cactus so have to reply here.

I owe you at least a coupla beers or a massive carafe of margitas (or whatever they quaff in El Sav)

Sending you a private message, if you need insider or off the beaten path info just private message me on travellerspoint, all I need is the magic words 'please' and 'thank you', about 25 per cent of persons on this site thank me, less on other forums, 'ex pat' forums are the worst (unless you are a con artist/'relocation expert' renting or selling land, homes and real estate at inflated prices, seems some people still stand in line like Sheep to be fleeced and enjoy the bending over part, I guess!) Been an ex pat, guide and sometime traveller for 25 years so excuse my cynicism and sarcasm. Based on reality, really reel.
Will be in Guatemala for a week in April, otherwise will be here in ES, if u are at the Beach, the bus from the capital is 50 minutes, 57 cents. Me te espero con mucho gusto. Buen viaje. saludos.

Ex Pat and
Survivor, no more, no less.

"Advice is cheap, experience is priceless"

travelling to Central America-Include Belize or El salvador?

travelling to Central America-Include Belize or El salvador?

travelling to Central America-Include Belize or El salvador?

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