Any very unusual eating establishment ?
You got nothing yourself, Matt?
I've been in a restaurant where your food is cooked and sent to you on a little flowing stream that runs through the restaurant. The gimmick is that all the tables are shaped like boats and you have to step into them. The motif is obviously river oriented. You are required to pay attention to your table name(no, not number) and grab the food as it passes. If you miss it, you have to wait for it to come around again....and they WON'T reheat it for you. You snooze, you lose. Story bonus: I was there with Jackie Chan, who suggested the place.
[ 12-Feb-2011, at 14:30 by Piecar ]
Very interesting!
Sounds like Japanese traditional country side noodle shop where noodles cooled in a stream of water free flowing from the kitchen to the tables (e.g. Hirobun, Kyoto)
Do you remember name, location ?
[ 12-Feb-2011, at 15:00 by matt556 ]
Sorry, smell a guy trying to write a story using other people's experiences. Could be wrong. But until you cough a story of your own, I'm out.
I'm from Portland, OR so I've eaten at SEVERAL. Well I guess the restaurants aren't so much unusual as the food is. Today my brother and I went and got burgers at a hip new place and they have fries that are tossed with truffle oil and parmesean with a side of squid ink dipping sauce! delicious! I've also had chicken fried bacon (hello heart attack), maple bars with bacon from VooDoo Doughnuts (a pretty whacky place overall).....
Although the food flowing down the stream sounds pretty interesting! ha.
I remember a place in London years ago called Caspers, it was a 'telephone exchange' restaurant ... all the tables were hooked up to an internal phone line and each table had a phone on it, so you could ring other tables. Bit of a meat market really but quite a good laugh!!

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