dear all experts,
If you want to travel from vienna to budapest, cheapest & easiest is to take a bus: , don't bother with the train, it's just too expensive and not much faster.
Vienna is much more expensive when you compare it to Budapest. However, both cities are very nice.
Accommodation: best is to book a hostel bed or try couchsurfing.
- try to stay in the - i.e. inside terez/jozsef korut and the danube
all these areas will be close to most sights, public transport, pubs, etc. excellent location near "veres palne utca". dorm beds will cost between 6-12 euros/night.
- eating out: don't eat at tourist restaurants. at lunch time many small places (restaurant, eateries, canteens) will offer daily meal for app 3-4 euros. chinese restaurants, kebab places and small eateries are also a good deal day and night - these will costs you 2-3 euros.
there are also a lot of shops open 24hrs, so you can always buy drinks or something cheap to make your own sandwich.
some interesting places to eat at lunch time where not many tourists go: market at "hold utca", or "pozsonyi kisvendeglo" is a real retro place. you should not spend more than 5-8 euros for a meal in a small restaurant.
- drinking/going out: ask at hostel or from your host, where those places are such as "szimpla kert", "granddio", "godor" etc. they will guide you there. you can also try small local bar/pubs. a beer will cost you between 1 - 2 euros. 10-15% tipping is normal.
it is free of charge to enter these places.
- getting around:
use taxi only if you can call a reliable taxi company. don't flag taxi down without a big sticker that shows it belongs to some major company. or get into any taxi where the driver would approach you. although the latter is very rare.
buy a weekly pass (17 euros) for public transport. buying single ticket (1.5 euros) is relatively expensive. should you buy single ticket, you have to validate it even if you change metro line!
night bus network is excellent, you can check out bus routes on
sights to see: "5. district", central market, "gellert hegy", "castle hill", "andrassy ut", "heroes square", "szechenyi thermal bath", "raday utca".
highly recommend taking train ("fogaskereku") from "moszkva ter" up to terminus, walk over to "janosi hegyi kilato" along the spine of the hills (or take toy train "uttorovasut") and go down with cablecar ("libego") and take bus back to "moszka ter". surprisingly few tourist make this trip, although it is very nice and will give you a splendid view over the city.
you can also take a half a day side trip to "szentendre", which is 20 km from the budapest. you will have to buy only an extension ticket in case you already have the weekly pass.
there are plenty of ATMs, so it will be easy to withdraw money. see exchange rate:
have a nice trip!
dear kichikacha
your advice is very useful to me. i like it a lot.
now, what im planning is to spend 3 or 4 days in vienna and then go to budapest for the rest 6 days coz im going to apply visa from hungary embassy.
im so confused about places in both countries coz they are not in english.
by the way, pls tell me what is "couchsurfing"? and how to find more info? now , im planning to stay in hostels.
hi there again,
couchsurfing is when you approach hosts who offer free accommodation on any of the social network websites that bring hosts and travellers together.
the most popular one is
you can learn more about from this recent thread:
in vienna you should have no problem getting around as many people speak good english.
however, it might be more difficult in budapest. try to approach younger students or professionals who look educated. many people may turn away even if they know a bit english simply because they are too shy to speak. but in general, people tend to be helpful and you can always find someone who speaks english.
for which country to you intend to get visa for in budapest?

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