Hi guys,im travelling alone to Sydney the end of june from Ireland?im really nervous about going alone
and really excited at the same time to be going to Oz.Has anyone got any tips like does and donts for me?
Also is anybody else in the same boat as me
I was in the same boat as you in December, but the last thing you should be worry about it going alone. You'll make friends with people in hostels easily enough, you'll probably find that most other people arrived on their own and made friends when they got to Sydney.
I'm still in Sydney so if you find yourself stuck for mates, give me a shout!
Hi Niamh
I'm going it alone in September, arriving in Cairns! Like you, I'm a bit nervous but I've heard you meet loads of different people in the hostels and whilst travelling around. It sounds like there's lots of us travelling alone so you're definitely not the only one!
Rach x
Hey Guys thanks for the replys...its good to know that other people are in the same boat as me..im not alone so to speak haha
also i forgot to add anyone have any reccomendations of what hostel to stay in??what to pack?what would the weather be like this time of year?
Andy thanks for the offer Rach i heard cairns is supposed to be gorgeous, and good to know im not the only girl nervous!
I'm in the same boat as you all ! I am planning to go fly to Melbourne and travel up to Cairns. I am going alone at the end of September for a month - so if any one is going around that time please give me a shout as very nervous!
alice.evans - aah we're working in the opposite direction, pity! As you can probably see from here, you're not the only one going alone and I'm a bit nervous too but I'm sure we'll forget all that once we're over there!
Niamh - after all this gloomy weather, I'll be glad to get a bit of the lovely Cairns sunshine! Not long for you now - wish it were me! If you find you're up in Cairns sept time, let me know!
Hi Everyone,
I also am in the same boat I leave 5th July travelling to Brisbane on my own meeting some friends that live there for a few days and then on to my travells :-)
I hope to meet some people in the early days but will head to the gold coast to start with i think and go from there no other plans other than to get there and start living my dream........ Nervous Excited but the countdown is on...
I'm flying from the UK Heathrow ............. x
Hi Niamh
I wouldn't worry too much about coming to Australia on your own. Just don't put yourself in a position where you are by yourself with no people around..especially after dark. Common sense is the key and just be smart about your surroundings. I am a paraplegic and did a road trip for seven weeks around the USA in 2008 by myself. I had no real dramas and the worst thing that happened to me was getting lost a couple of times. People were good to me and I had no problems. Just made sure that if I was out and about there were other people around. I felt safe at all times when I was there.
If you need any pointers don't be afraid to contact me.
Hey, i'm travelling to sydney on sept 24th! planning to stay there for 6 months then decide what to do after that. Would be great to know if anyone is travelling around this time, or even to stay in touch so we know one another for when we all arrive out there
Hey guys....I am also heading to sydney will be leavin on the 6th of september now...will be staying in sydney for a while but hoping to travel around abit, but have no set in stone plans.....and i will be travelling on my own too! Seems to be quite a few people in the same boat! Would be great to know a few people who are there when i am! So feel free to message me!
:-) Georgie

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