Just for general discussion:
A bus you're stuck in the one seat. On a flight you can walk about a bit, even if only to go to the toilet. Both however depends on who is next to you, which can make a journey good or bad.
Trains aren't bad. I did two seven week trips around India years ago and it is the only way to see the country, as well as what you see travelling (though I did spend a fair number of nights sleeping on a train. The stations are interesting too, with each different.
Ships I think I prefer the best as I have been on a number of cruises. On some you have a different destination every day, and lots of good food. The only down side is if you have a bad cabin, way down below, but I've been lucky so far.
Years ago I travelled from Flores to Guatemala Town. It was only a short hop by plane and only $60 but I thought: What do you see from 6 miles up? So I took the bus. After 3 hours I thought we must be nearly there but my map showed that mainly due to the awful roads we had covered hardly any distance. There were some interesting towns but most of it was bland scenery. I got there 12 hours later.
Flights are handy if you are short on time and with big distances to cover, like America, Australia and China.
My "favourite" varies wildly depending entirely on the situation at hand. There's never a hard and fast rule...
depends on many factors...
trains are great in Europe, but crummy in many countries: USA for instance
flying is great if you're on a new plane and a 5* carrier
same for ships - no thank you in SE Asia
buses great in Australia/NZ, terrible in USA and SE Asia
what I refuse to ride is on the back of a motorcycle taxi
give me horseback or foot any day!
[ 05-Jun-2011, at 12:02 by Daawgon ]
I love riding planes as long as they are not longer than an hour and a half. Too much of it is sometimes sickening. I also love trains - those trains which have comfortable seats. Not the ones which are dingy and are full of people.
I like traveling by train or by boat. If possible, hiking is a good choice. Although it is very danger, you can see many different scenery and meet many people from different places.
Edited on 04-Jul-2011, at 00:42 by Conylaw
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