Budget accommodation in Jakarta, Jogjakarta and Denpasar

Hi, Im whitewings, I am going to be in Indonesia in August 2011 and looking for about 5 nights accommodation [for one] in each city - Denpasar, Jogjakarta and Jakarta. Budget is not more than AUD$40 per night - any suggestions? thanks so much

If you do a search for guesthouses in jakarta / yogyakarta you'll get a lot of cheap places well within your price range. What you save on them you may spend in Bali as it is quite a bit more expensive though Homestay Gede does seem quite good:
It would be best to book something before arrival. It's a good overland trip (and ferry) from Yogyakarta to Bali, though the ferry I took was at night, as was the long bus ride to Denpasar, but that was January when it gets dark early.

Do be careful of pick pockets in Bali. A young woman in a shop picked mine while showing me something.

Budget accommodation in Jakarta, Jogjakarta and Denpasar

Budget accommodation in Jakarta, Jogjakarta and Denpasar

Budget accommodation in Jakarta, Jogjakarta and Denpasar

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