My boyfriend and I are going to be stopping in Fiji for 8 nights in January before heading to Auckland. We have looked in to tours such as 'feejee experience' and 'awesomefiji' but are also looking at what other alternative options are available. We are on a bit of a budget so thought maybe we would be better staying in hostels on a couple of the islands and getting a ferry across instead?
Please take the time to read the dozens of old posts asking exactly the same question.
Go to Botaira Beach Resort on Naviti - it is awesome!
Botaira is no place for people on a budget.
>> Beach Camp <<
Fiji was my last stop on a year of travelling on a budget, the bure we had cost around 105 Fijiian Dollars (£35) a night, including all meals, and it was lovely, and was actually the cheapest of the three islands I stopped at. I'd say it is certainly better value for money than 'Feejee Experience' etc, etc. Definitely worth a visit!
[ 03-Dec-2011, at 18:01 by Steve79 ]
Thanka for the help Steve, i'll have a look in to that place!
We have also found a hostel called Ratu Kini on Mana Island, did you stop at Mana island and know whether this would be a good choice?
No sorry. I went to Naviti and stayed at Oarsmans Lodge, which was nice, then went to Botaira on Naviti and ended up staying there for quite a few nights as we liked it so much, and then you Octopus on Waya, but we really disliked Octopus and headed back for a few more nights at Botaira. Sorry can't comment on Mana Island.

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