Whats it like ?? I know what you've got to do etc I just want to hear people's experiences from doing it.
Challenging but enjoyable. I did the Woofing thing down in Tasmania. Cut off from the world, no cell reception, internet, comfort food or alcohol in the middle of the mountains. Lived in a little wooden hut in the middle of the Forrest.
I found the first couple of weeks difficult, but there was so much to enjoy working outdoors every day. One of the most rewarding experiences I've had.
I did 115 days. In the middle I took a 3 day break down in Hobart. Message me if you want any more info. Where are you planning to go?
Here on the California coast, there are quite a few places where you can do fruit picking when items are in season. We've done some strawberry picking in May, boysenberries and blackberries picking in June/July/August, and apple picking in September. When we lived in Utah, we also used to pick apples and cherries close-by. We also have grown raspberries and apricots on previous property where we have lived--and last summer, we put in an entire crop of tomatoes and picked them all summer long (every day, since we had 27 plants--all 10 feet in height or more.)
The main reason for picking fruit and vegetables is in order to stock up and get the freshest stuff;--just think of how fresh stuff can be when you get it off local fruit stands. Some items, such as strawberries, taste three times better when you pick them fresh as what you can get in any market.
We also do canning of these fruits and vegetables--either as jams, as fresh fruits, as salsas, or as sweet-and-sour pickles. This is a great way to have great fruit cobblers or fruit pies in the middle of winter (by using the canned fruit) as opposed to buying frozen pies and cobblers.
Doing this kind of work everyday would be quite backbreaking (particularly on extremely hot days). But doing it on some weekends for a few hours--or after work in the summer picking just a few tomatoes for that evening's dinner--is extremely rewarding. Seeing these items you raised from small seeds growing to be big, bursting with flavor items is just great--and fruits and vegetables are much better for your health than eating fatty fried foods.
[ 25-Mar-2012, at 22:02 by Calcruzer ]

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