My gap year son who is currently in West Africa with very limited and expensive access to the internet has asked me to find out if it is possible to take a vehicle from Egypt to Europe. My research has come up blank. Does anyone know of any RORO ferry services still running. One was due to start between Alexandria and Turkey last month but I can find no evidence that it has!
No Egyptian ferries to Europe.
Either drive to Tunisia
Or drive the other way through the Middle East and through Turkey
Thanks for such a swift response. Tunisia sounds like a good option for him. Would he need a visa for entry into Tunisia through a land border?
What Cyberia forgot to mention is the fact that currently it's like near impossible to get into Libya, apart from safety concerns at this moment.
Also, if driving though the Middle East, there is Syria nowadays, also not an option.
So my question to you is: as he is in West Africa now, does he need to travel from there by car? In that case, go to Morocco, easy and safe, although you might travel partly in convoy in Mauritania these days.
Although I have ferried with my car to and from Egypt (Alexandria) in the past, I am not sure whether this is still possible to-day. I used to take Italian ferries, via Kreta (Greece) to Genova (Italy).
I would discourage travel over land, either East or West. You might want to investigate the possibilities of getting transport on a tramp from Port Said (Suez canal) to a Mediterranean harbour (Piraeus, Marseilles, Genova, Barcelona).

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