Travelling to US in August . Wanted to get info on short term non hotel accomodation.
Online virtual assistants like persontoask com said there arent many ..Please tell me so that I
can tell them that they should search better and will save my time . Want in New york and Philadelphia
down town .No hotels please. Pl recommend a site if possible.
Seems like is exactly what your after. I started using that site on last year's trip to Turkey & NYC because I thought the hotel prices too high in Istanbul and New York. It couldn't have worked out better - not only did I save big time on accommodation, but I had a built in host to help me find my way around those cities. Airbnb has all types of places, from hotel rooms to shared apts to whole homes for rent, and all prices too. The unique thing about that site is that both parties have to pre-approve each other, and both parties can communicate before the rental date. I plan to use Airbnb again this year to rent an apartment in Bangkok.
Renting in NYC can cause a heart attack with the HIGH PRICES! Manhattan prices start about $150. a night for a sleazy room with roaches. I went with a shared place in Brooklyn for $79. - about a 20 minute subway ride into Times Square.
Do you really want downtown Philadelphia? I was born there, and would never think of staying downtown. Pick your neighborhood carefully in Philly, because it has many less than wonderful areas! I recommend Chestnut Hill (close in, but very safe and very nice).
[ 17-Mar-2012, at 20:43 by Daawgon ]

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