I would like to know:
After uploading a video to Youtube, click on the link to the video. The link will look something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwtmWLBhQAc
The bit you need is the bit in bold above: SwtmWLBhQAc
Then in your blog, click on the embed video button, choose Youtube as the provider and paste in the characters above.
Now, there is one thing I'm not sure about and that is if this will work with private videos on Youtube. As far as I know, Youtube has three settings for videos (public/hidden/private). The first two shouldn't cause any problems, but the last option requires the viewer to actually be registered by email by you when you set the video to private. There's no way Youtube could verify that for viewers of your blog on Travellerspoint, so I imagine they will not display the video if that's the setting you have chosen. You could choose the 'hidden' option to get around this. That means a user would actually have to have the link to the video to be able to see it (or see it in your blog), but it wouldn't show up on searches on Youtube or on your profile there.
You can use m.travellerspoint.com on an android tablet, or of course just the regular site. It will require a data connection however though...
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