hi guys
Hi Cameron,
A big question eh! Do you really mean Travel with a capital T or do you mean visit Australia for stay
A while.
The other question is why?
Are you looking to escape something or to find a focus improve life? Or do you
really have a burning curiosity about other cultures and a quest for adventure?
Once we have the and you have the answer to those questions we can then try to bive yojimbo some helpful advise.
Hope to near from you later.
The roaming Romseys
Hi Cameron,
Know that feeling well! The first thing to think about is what kind of travelling you want to do - short holiday, mid-term backpacking, or something longer like a working holiday? Once you've worked that out it will be easier to find the info you need.
Also there's nothing to worry about when travelling solo, you will have a great time! You can always meet people on the road or just change plans when it suits you.
hi guys thanks for the reply
well basically id like to go for a few months, not trying to escape anything just in need for an adventure and something id never forget ( my sister went traveling america for 6 months and said it was the best thing she has ever done ) iv got some money saved already but id like to find some work over there for abit more comfort really.... looked online but just don't no where to find anything, ideally id like to be by the coast but id jump at any opportunity.
If you're travelling from the UK and want to work in Australia, you might as well do the full 12 months as you can't work on a tourist visa and you will only be granted a WHV once.
right ok.....
whats the best places for work out there then ? something simple like bar/hotel or something like that.
and living costs is it expensive for food and accommodation ?
At the young age of 20, you should be more worried about staying home and loosing out on the excitement of international travel, and really experiencing life outside of your bubble. All it will take is one trip, and I'm sure you will be hooked, just like the rest of us who have the travel addiction. When I was younger, I soon developed this lifelong addiction, and my problem was keeping a job long enough to finance my wanderlust.
You have a great deal to look forward to - could we trade places?
ello Cameron,
OK, it sounds like you some travel with a small t, as in a working holiday, nothing wrong with that, you may decide later on Travel with a capital T once you gain some confidence.
First of all buy yourself a SMALL packpack, and some 11 x 8 freezer bags into which to pack some basis lightweight items. aim for a max of 10 -15 kgs total, work on the principal that if you lost everything it wouldn't be a disaster. everything is replaceable.
buy a flip-over-belt wallet to keep your money, cards and passport safe. (It flips over your belt and sits inside your trousers)
Organise an Australian visa, - it can be done on the internet.
Check on the latest rules regarding Australian work permits for the under 26 year olds.
Buy yourself an airticket to Brisbane or Melbourne which will allow you a stop-off in Bangkok, and to continue your flight from Singapore,
Spend a month enjoying travels by train or buses from Bangkok to Singapore.
Spend a month travelling from Brisbane to Melbourne or visa versa depending whether you want to end up somewhere cool or warm. Personally I would end up in Brisbane.
Start looking for a job once you are in Brisbane/Melbourne or else where, don't be too proud about what job you end up doing,
Remember, you are taking a year off from Life to gain some LIFE experiences, gain a wealth of confidence that will make you grow as a person, and will be used thoughout your life in ways you can't even image yet.
Travel is a wonderful experience, Keep an open mind whilst travelling, different people have different values and different ways of doing things.
and generally speaking people on a one to one basis are incredibly helpful.
Keep moving, keep safe and keep your wits about you.
Happy Travels,
The roaming Romseys
ps I set off with a backpack when I was 19 and didn't return until 7 years and 54 countries later
i would really like to travel but have absolute no clue where to start (as in getting info,jobs, ect ect)
In the world, all people are cooking with water. "Faraway places" may look intriguing and/or exotic, but they have realities attached which only the wicked may manage to tackle. You'll have to "play it by ear" and cleverness. There's no such thing as a free meal.
You can start an adventure in Australia, picking melon until you can't stand either smell or taste anymore, earn your survival and then come home to.......to where or what?
It can be done, yes. Do a lot of googling with keywords which you may find specific to your dreams.
Good luck
It can be expensive, especially if you don't find work straight away, so bring as much money as you can beforehand. You should be able to find hospitality work in any reasonable sized city but be prepared in case you don't get a dream job immediately (see previous statement).

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