Hi! I'm new here, I found this site through a blog where the writer had made a clever map of her journeys. It looked cool so I joined!
Welcome to Travellerspoint. Hope you enjoy your virtual visits here and get all the information you need for your travels.
Be sure to write me if you need information on either the US or Mexico (and I'll try to help out a bit with Belize also, though I've never been there--but have friends who have).
P.S. You may not be aware of it, but the owner of this website lives in Oslo.
Welcome to Travellerspoint!
There's lots of info here for travellers like yourself and feel free to shout out for help if you can't find what you need.
Thanks so much guys! I like it here already
I had no idea that the owner of this site lives in Oslo, that's so neat! I might take you up on that help Calcruzer

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