Is it doable to do this drive in 1 day? Our hotel is in downtown LA.
Most people take a short flight. I wanted to drive from LA but was told I could not take my hire car out of the state (California to Arizona).
Distance is 491 miles, so around 8 hours keeping to speed limits
Distance and driving directions:
As stated above, it is 491 mikes between GC and LA. I was driving 700 miles/day when I drove to Mass. from Vegas years ago. You can easily get to LA the day you leave the South Rim. Get up early, on the road by 8am and you should be in LA by 4pm. Good luck.
Thanks Cyberia for the route directions.
@ VEgas Mike: is the drive from 8-4 including stops (toilet and maybe 30 minute lunch) or in one go??
I'm just wondering if people do this kind of distance over there in 1 day or should we make a overnight stop? If so, where would you suggest? Someone suggested Barstow but that's 2 hours from LA in which case we prefer to drive on to LA??
Many thanks,
You can easily make it to LA in one shot from the GC. Most drivers get out every 2-3 hours for gas, food, bathroom. If you want to avoid the horrible traffic in the LA area, get up and on the road by 7am. Stop in Williams for BF and get to LA by 3pm. Put your cruise control on 65 mph, turn on your music and you will be there before you know it. Good luck.
Thanks vegasmike for your advice. You've put my mind at peace since this was the only part of our journey that I was worried about. we're spending 3 nights/4 days in LA so driving from GC to LA in one go fits in the best.
Thanks again!

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