Hey there,
Hi there!
I'm not Irish but I am travelling to Aus begininning of Aug and it is a scary thought as also going alone! I'm 25 and flying from London and haven't even begun to plan for the trip! I was thinking maybe Brisbane/Sydney to start. How long are you travelling for?
(from Bristol) x
Hi Hannah
I will get a Working holiday Visa so my plan is to stay for a year, all going well and if I like it then do the 3 months regional work at the end of the first yr and stay for a second yr. Are you hoping to work straight away?
Was hoping to work ASAP as I want to get the most out if the trip and see everything which means as much £ as possible was just thinking bar work/waitressing to start and thought that would be a cool way to start meeting people! Its scary going at it alone but mega exciting 2. I bought my visa last year so gd to go! X
Hi Girls,
I'm hoping to travel to Sydney on a working visa in September, not booked or planned anything yet as really trying to save first. Was planning on starting in Sydney and going from there. I'm hoping to go out there for a year or until my money runs out! Would be great to know people going out at the same time as very daunting going on your own to the other side of the world!
Laura x
Hi Laura.
Where will u be flying from? Would love to have people to meet up with as it is scary! Was thinking Sydney or Brisbane to start x
Hopefully flying from Birmingham as I live in Worcestershire. I was planning on starting in Sydney first then just seeing how things go. I have been looking inyo maybe doing the OzIntro for the first week, I know its expensive but feel like it won't be as daunting if I have something in place for when I get there!
Laura x
That's not a bad idea and would be great as a lot of people would be doing the same thing.
I would be flying from London but would definitely consider Birmingham as I only live in Bristol. Sydney would be a great place to start and I've heard its buzzing with work and soooo much to see and do! What does the Oz intro actually involve?x
Melbourne is amazing fun and working in hospitality is the best way to meet new people and get a good feel for the city! august/september is also a great time of year to get here as it's not peak tourist season so easier to find a job.
dont bother with OzIntro, it's all so easy to sort out when you get here. You just need a good checklist and get organising once you're in a hostel.
- travel insurance (before you leave! and bear in mind that you need to renew it before it expires if you stay longer than a year. finding a company that will insure you when you're out the country is hard)
- set up a bank account - all you need is ID, proof of your address (eg hostel address), visa No,
- apply for a TFN (tax file number) so u dont get taxed within an inch of your life
- bring a copy of your resume so you can start handing them out once you're over jetlag/feel ready to find a job. get one angled for hospitality, and one for office work as siging up to a temp agency is a great back-up. ive met many many backpackers through temping! you never know who you'll meet and be able to join in further travels.
- doing the work for the visa is hard work, when you actually do it and also trying to find good work. i apple picked which was tough, but WWOOFing would be the best option i believe! dont leave it till the last minute though incase you run out of time to fit in all 88days.
cant think of anything off the top of my head, but i definitely need to write an article covering 'setting up a life in Oz' for Travelettes.net!
feel free to tweet me if you need anymore info! (@oz_travelette)
Hey Girls!
I’m thinking of getting a Working Holiday Visa for Oz (12 months) - within this time I intend to work a little, move on and travel work some more etc. Also within the 12 months I hope to have saved enough money to travel NZ in a campervan and to also visit Fiji (not sure for how long though). The plan is then back to Oz for more work and hopefully more saving. I have done a little research and apparently if you have worked 88 days or more on a farm you can apply for a second WHV (not sure if i would do this but it is an option i suppose). Eventually i want to have saved enough after Oz to travel SE Asia (for a long time - i hope!).
Im currently planning this alone as friends cannot afford it or are settled down etc. I have two friends who want to join but cant save enough until like March 2013 but I just want to get out of here and travel the world! I am an outgoing person, love my nights out, sight seeing and adventures. I would love to meet like minded people who are planning the same sort of thing as i dont want to travel alone - its sooo daunting! Nothing is set in stone at the moment but hoping to sort something out real soon.
Im thinking of starting in Brisbane (flying from London) as I had a meeting with STA Travel and the guy said September time in Brisbane is really good for work
Would be great to hear of your plans!!
Emily x

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