First time travelling: need advise, help and a buddy


Hi Angie,

I'm 24 and i've never really travelled alone either but am hoping to leave for Australia in November. I've spent the last few years in a job that I didn't really like so I figured why not!

I don't have much of a plan yet but I do know that I want to see as much as I possiblly can. I do intend to work a bit just so I can keep topping up on spending money.

Do you have any ideas when you want to travel i.e this year?


have u saved up this year then?

cause australia will be quite a bit wont it.

i dont think its possible to travel this year.. dont know where id start either if u have any suggestions ?

its my 21st in feb so id like to go round about that time..


I've done a bit of saving yeah - i'm sure whatever I scrape together won't be enough though!

I'm flying to Sydney for a starting place and will see how it goes from there. Will aim to travel the East Coast in the New Year I think as want to be near Sydney for Xmas/New Year.

Ahh can understand you wanting to go after your birthday - are there places you want to go other than Australia then?


i want to go to thailand really badly, my friend goes travelling when they have a break in uni and they said it was one of the best places... but i would love to go to america... but that does take some saving!

how much would you roughly save to go ?

If you are first time single traveler then i would prefer to say you that you need to get clear some points from your travel planner:
1) Your Insurance
2) Emergence help
3) Staying hotel details and
4) Complete tour package amount including staying, fooding and extra tickets.

I think it's best you should to talk to people at the place where you want go to there, on this forum is the best.
You should ask them about good place to visit, food and accommodation cheap, convenient transportation.
You can ask them as a tour guide for you.
I think so.

Thailand will be a good place to start of with
Lots of place to shop in Bangkok

First time travelling: need advise, help and a buddy

First time travelling: need advise, help and a buddy

First time travelling: need advise, help and a buddy

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