Hey Angie
I am in the same boat!!
I have had a bit of experience before so have a bit of knowledge.
i am looking for a travel buddy for the journey too and looking to OZ/NZ.
Get in touch if interested, also have fb too x Kate x
hey im the same as both of you, iv done a little research but nothing indepth, im looking to go to Thailand / aus / NZ. let me know if your interested and we can have a chat.
Tom x
Hey Tom
Definately interest, have no plans or anything just want to get started.
Kate x
want to email me or if you have facebook makes things abit easier then we can start plans xx
Hey kate and tom,
yes think discussion is needed on this one... i want to go to thailand and it also quite cheap my friend goes travelling every year and he said its one of the most nicest places to go..
Oz and N/Z are a must as well..
i have face book if thats easier to chat as well so both message me
Angie x
link to my facebook guys x
yeah heres mine https://www.facebook.com/tom.scaife
Thanks guys
Also looking to go to Aus this year ;x
so scared of going alone !

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