Display Text editing and other issues


Hi Sarmu,

Thanks for the feedback.

On the last point -- the coordinates for photos are actually stored for the photo. But the location displayed is a reverse lookup that is meant to pick a broader location to display to viewers. So for example, you can pick a street address in a city as your way of pinpointing the photo, but we'd only ever show the city name. In theory anyway. In practice, the shapefiles that we use are sometimes rather inaccurate. These are sourced from an open source dataset that Flickr provides which is great, but unfortunately not always as reliable as they could be. One benefit we do have with storing the lat/lng as you entered though is that we can improve on that location as time goes by.

With the location name, you should be able to change this in the map also after having entered it. Just retype the name, hit return and save. It should take whatever you typed in. Just testing this now though, I do note that it's a little tricky to get right.

I'll have a look into that leaving-by issue. Not how things should be!


Hi Peter, thanks for the reply

If you update the photo with a lat/lng stored in the photo, it will replace the lat/lng values with the values provided by the API. The display name won't actually change since like you said it uses the reverse lookup, but it then overwrite the lat/lng using the values found in reverse lookup.

With the location name, I just tried it, it's kinda tricky but I can get it to work, you must hit return before save to change the value, otherwise it won't change.

If you update the photo with a lat/lng stored in the photo, it will replace the lat/lng values with the values provided by the API. The display name won't actually change since like you said it uses the reverse lookup, but it then overwrite the lat/lng using the values found in reverse lookup.

Hmm, this doesn't sound right. I'll have to investigate further!

Also when you save anything in the planner, the leaving by is nullified.

This particular bug is now fixed

The lat/lng editing of photos should also be editing correctly now. If I understood correctly, this was when editing photo locations through the map and not through the "My Photos" area.


What I was trying to do is just edit the date of the photo under Control Panel > My Photos > Edit Details, without changing the lat/lng at all.

I can still replicate this issue, if you just save changes to a photo it will replace current value with default value.

Take one of my Sydney photo for example, the current coord is -33.867522 , 151.207062, after I click save without doing anything, the coord will be set to -33.866801 , 151.205372 which is the default coord for Sydney.

[ 10-Apr-2013, at 02:59 by Sarmu ]

Ah OK. That's a good detailed description. Should be able to track it down from there without too much trouble.

Display Text editing and other issues

Display Text editing and other issues

Display Text editing and other issues

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