Aissa has indicated that this thread is about Argentina
Hi Aissa:
The fee charged in Chile, Brasil, Argentina to US citizens is part of a foreign policy named "reciprocity": as US charge with this fee to all latin americans, we do the same.
And in Brasil they apply a full reciprocity, so they take a picture of you like your inmigration service do with all latin americans.
Now... do you think in your country you can enter (legally) by foot or bus and don't pay that fee? Well... the same reply for your question.
Have a good trip... paying back the money our brothers left in your country.
Thanks Juanka, I understand the reasons for paying a fee to enter another country. And if you felt so strongly about reciprocity, you wouln't be wasting your time with a silly reply to my valid question.
I simply wanted to know if the Chilean customs require payment for crossing the border by bus in 2009 because I have US friends who have not had to pay a fee when crossing the border on bus in 2008.
This website is for travellers, who seek help and help others from their own experience.
This is not a website where you should feel privelaged to post your bigoted views on people.
So, neither your synicism nor pessimism are welcome here!
According to my Lonely Planet (note: published in May 2006, so it might be outdated)
The Chilean government collects a $100/15/30/55 'reciprocity' fee from arriving US/Mexican/Australian/Canadian citizens in response to these governments imposing a similar fee on Chilean citizens applying for visas; this payment applies only to tourists arriving by air and is valid for the life of the passport.
(emphasis mine)
I was gonna ask the same question only for Argentina and Costa Rica...Not tryin to start a war or anything...Just that I am from the US and wonder what I will have to pay?? What a dick!
[ 04-Dec-2009, at 21:33 by PiesMan ]
Yes unfortunately you will have to pay the fee. It is also true for Argentina. The border at Chile is very strict. Also in terms of any fruit or planta. We had some British guests are at the hostel which were held up for more than 4 hours! They carried an orange :-(
Crossing by bus or foot is equal. You are still going through passport control. When on the bus you need to get out and present yourself in person.

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