Where in Europe

I need inspiration - a short weekend hop to Europe - fairly romantic, some culture, nice restaurants/bars, your getting my drift. Probably about March.

i would suggest prague - (since i have been researching that place)... but i have no clue about the travel times!

Umm... London?

I would suggest checking the wikipedia page with destinations from .

I find that always helpful, to see which airlines fly directly to which places.

If I had to choose something different from these, I would probably go to Nice...it's nice
No really, it's not too big so a couple of days would be fine, it has great bars, restaurants etc. and probably the weather is ok as well. And fairly romantic. I mean, a salad nicoise with a bottle of white wine at a beach restaurant....
And even if you are tired of Nice after one day, go to nearby Antibes or Monaco for a day trip, just a short and beautiful traintrip along the coast from Nice.

Hope this helps.

O, forgot to mention: don't go there in summer! Hot and crowded.

[ Dec 30, 2008, at 12:59 AM by Utrecht ]

Iceland! Not far from Ireland. And cheaper than it used to be!

Edinburgh, Has a lot of culture and history, pretty decent restaurants. Can be romantic too

I hear Alsace is pretty lovely too.

Umm... London?

Be there tomorrow night - lm in London all the time Hien!!!

Edinburgh, Has a lot of culture and history, pretty decent restaurants. Can be romantic too

I hear Alsace is pretty lovely too.

Cheers Jun- though l was hoping a bit further flung than Scotland - plus l will be in Edinburgh in March any how to see Ireland beat Scotland in the 6 nations and my sister lives there l visit pretty often!!!

Alsace - dont think l can get there directly from Belfast though

I just watched The Sound of Music for the umpteenth time, so I'm going to helpfully suggest Austria. Preferrably up in the mountains. Bring a poofy dress and a guitar!

Where in Europe

Where in Europe

Where in Europe

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