Drive Away Canada

Does anyone know any good driveaway companies in Canada?... do they exist?

What exactly is a drive-away company-maybe we have them under another name.

someone explained it to me the other night as: where people need there car driven to a certain place so they contract a company and then the company gets drivers to drive the car there within a given time frame! i know they have them in the US!

.... i hope that makes sense!

In Canada ( both across Canada and to / from the USA ), try:

I have done it. LOTS of fun - if you are a flexible traveller


Just Google Drive Away for the city you want to leave from,i know there are Driveaway companies in Van,TO,and Montreal.
Its a company that hires people to drive other peoples cars to various destinations,this time of year a lot of cars are needing to be driven south.

Drive Away Canada

Drive Away Canada

Drive Away Canada

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