Hi All,
Weddings are always really interesting in different cultures, because the traditions are so varied, and its almost always a big event involving dressing up etc and a bit of a party!
I think weddings in India are pretty fascinating in many aspects, from the social side of it, traditions like arranged marriages, dowries, the bride leaving her family, to the event itself, and all the gold jewellery and bright coloured costumes and grooms arriving on horses etc.
Good luck with your project!
How about a Moroccan wedding?
Different country has the different wedding and form the wedding can know the culture well. I think the wedding in my home Mount huang in China is very special .
After i got the photos ,i like to share them with you.
Indian weddings are pretty amazing to see. Similar to many large countries in Asia, a good thing to remember with Indian weddings is that they differ, for example, a wedding in South India is very different to a wedding in North India, due to traditions and culture of the areas. If you get a chance to travel around India I am sure you will notice the difference yourself.
An interesting aspect to the project could be to look at the weddings of immigrants in a country. They can be a good comparison to the wedding in the country of origin.
I went to a Greek wedding as some of my relatives are from there; a traditional orthodox Greek wedding is very beautiful with all the lit candles, processions and the ancient hymns. The reception afterwards is the best bit though - everyone dances around to Greek music in a circle and smashes plates on the floor for good luck! Its brilliant fun!
the first wdding i ever went to was a hindu wedding in mlbourne australia when i was 7, after this i was facinated with indian culture. whilst i was in india i attended 2 hindu and an islamic wedding. All three were an amazing. When u r raised with the whole `white wedding`thing the colours or a hindu wedding blow your mind and even poor people put on an amzing show using whatever they have
Hi I am from India and the weddings here are a grand affair. For your project I would suggest the following weddings as they are fascinating. All are hindu weddings but the culture and practices change from region to region. The weddings are
1) South Indian Brahmin (either kannada or tamil)- bangalore or chennai
2) Punjabi wedding
3) coorgi wedding
4) Rajput wedding
5) Arunachali wedding
The brahmin wedding would be a very traditional affair performed according to the vedas which is the holy scriptures for hindus.
The Punjabi wedding is a fun affair with lots of drinking and dancing and a mind blowing spread.
The coorgi wedding again is a fun affair with very very interesting traditions of the people of the hills of coorg.
The rajput wedding is rich in its rajasthani traditional ways of the warrior. It is a very rich affair in more ways than one.
The Arunachali wedding is a simple affair of the people of arunachal pradesh.
I have been only to a couple of islamic weddings and I dont know much about them. I hear the hyderabadi muslim (nizam) wedding is a very interesting affair. There are a hundred different ways that weddings are in India but the above should make ur project a super success. All the best.

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