Introducing the sleepBot

Our latest member is very good at adding accommodation to the guide

Most active sleeper ever!
Nice work Peter

When exactly does the automatic sleepBot comes around? i just edited Tanah Rate article, and in history it shows the sleeping table added by sleepBot as well at that same time.
I did use the option below to match it with the article, is that the reason it worked? Because the table itself didn't show up when editing, just after saving.

[ 16-Feb-2010, at 04:48 by Utrecht ]

SleepBot does his name justice lately
Any plans on running it through the entire travelguide? Can't wait to see that boost

Our latest member is very good at adding accommodation to the guide

to the content at this stage, but when you click save.. magic ensues. Aside from your edit, you will see in the history another edit by our friend the sleepBot. It will add in a list of accommodation for this location neatly in the right spot all correctly formatted.

In a table in our database, we're now keeping track of the changes being made to accommodation listings in the guide. If the last person who edited a particular property was sleepBot, then sleepBot will continue to update that property if anything changes. If the last person to edit that property was another user, then sleepBot will forever leave it alone. This is to avoid changes made by you being overridden the next time sleepBot decides to update things.

And yes, sleepBot is capable of updating any article in the guide. I've only set it loose on a handful so far to ensure that I catch bugs and fix them before any potential damage is done.


What is this SleepBot written in?

Is Sleepbot, sleep walking in Kuala Lumpur?

It is updating KL many times ... some testing going on?

Is Sleepbot, sleep walking in Kuala Lumpur?

It is updating KL many times ... some testing going on?

Yeah lol.. definitely sleep walking The problems in the KL article have to do with the fact that there is another table on that page that's confusing matters. Good test-case though and obviously something that needs to be handled properly! Sorry about clogging up the edit history

@MerB, the sleepbot is written in Coldfusion, just like the rest of the site. Calling it a sleepBot helps everyone track the changes more clearly than if we just made the changes without adding them to the history.

sleeping in the museum, also a nice idea.

LOL, when checking recent changes, it gives some edits indeed, but at the stats page there now are 5,700 edits this month

LOL, when checking recent changes, it gives some edits indeed, but at the stats page there now are 5,700 edits this month

is at version 3376

Yeah, that's an interesting bug. Is directly related to the timeouts that were happening while editing in the guide. It was stuck in a loop making the edit over and over and over again until it crapped itself. Fixed it last night. It was related to articles without a location specified (like the museum one)

I'll try to clean up some of those logs so it makes more sense!

Introducing the sleepBot

Introducing the sleepBot

Introducing the sleepBot

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